AS A. Le Coq - A. Le Coq Premium

Ratings: 3.8 of 5. 5 vote(s).
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Description according to label:

A. Le Coq Premium is a good companion for those who can appreciate the taste of good beer. Our brewmasters have always known that besides perfect hops and carefully selected malt, one also has to put his soul into the beer. This is what makes A. Le Coq Premium unique.

A. Le Coq Premium. It is about taste.

Labels: AS A. Le Coq
Special beer
Alcohollevel: 4.7 %
Bottlevolume: 0.5 Liter
Bottletypes: Glass bottle
Water, barley malt, hops

AS A. Le Coq
Laulupeo pst 15
50050 Tartu

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