Black Isle - Organic

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Description according to label:

Hibernator oatmeal stout.

Black Isle Brewery is based near Inverness in the heart of the Scottish Highlands. We make a range of fresh, natural organic beers from malted barley, wheat, water, hops & yeast. Beers brewerd in paradise.

Organic means the barley and hops are grown on farms without artificial fertilisers and herbicides. We at Black Isle Brewery believe that our beer is best for you and the environment, too.

Loaded with roasted chocolate malts giving rise to hedgerow fruit, espresso and liquorice.

Labels: Black Isle
Stout, Strong beer
Alcohollevel: 7.0 %
Bottlevolume: 0.33 Liter
Bottletypes: Glass bottle
Water, barley malt, hops, oats, yeast

Black Isle Brewing Company

IV8 8NZ Black Isle
Great Britain

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