Black Wolf Brewery - Big Red

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Description according to label:

Ruby beer from the Black Wolf Brewery. It's big, red and full of character. This assertive ruby beer is big in flavour, with hints of tropical fruit, sweet treacle and balances a bitter, hoppy finish.

See: red to brown
smell: dark toffee and tropical fruit
taste: bittersweet, treacle and fruity hop

Many moons ago, in the black of night, Viking invaders were about to attackour hometown of Stirling, when a howling wolf alerted the defenders, who saved the town. We raise a glass to that wolf. The black wolf.

Labels: Black Wolf Brewery
Alcohollevel: 3.8 %
Bottlevolume: 0.5 Liter
Bottletypes: Glass bottle
Water, barley malt, wheat, hops, yeast

Black Wolf Brewery
7c Bandeath Industrial Estate
FK7 7NP Throsk
Great Britain

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