Ridgeway Brewing - Very Bad Elf Special Reserve Ale

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Description according to label:

One of our range of very special christmas beers brewed in England for the USA. We all know of course, that Santa is really from Lapland! 

"Is it just my imagination", queried old Santa, surveying the scene, "or is my Elf only getting worse and worse every year? What's next? Seriously Bad Elf, I'll wager. Mark my words".

This Very Bad Elf is one fine ale - rich, hardy, and flavorful, brewed to an original 1795 Thames Valley recipe, with a very special pale amber malt that is rarely used nowadays, and balanced by a modest addition of English Fuggle aroma hops. 'Eres to your Elf!'.
Peter Scholey, Brewer

Labels: Ridgeway Brewing
Ale, Special beer
Alcohollevel: 7.5 %
Bottlevolume: 0.5 Liter
Bottletypes: Glass bottle
Water, barley malt, wheat, hops, yeast, sugar

Ridgeway Brewing

RG80JW Oxfordshire
Great Britain

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