Samuel Smith's - Nut Brown Ale

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Description according to label:

Brewed with well water (the original well sunk in 1758 is still in use, with the hard well water being drawn from 85 feet underground), malted barley, yeast and hops. Fermented in 'stone Yorkshire squares' to create a relatively dry ale with rich nutty colour and palate of beech nuts, almonds and walnuts.

Serving suggestions - Stilton cheese; game such as roast grouse; pheasant; patridge; roast and barbecued duck; guinea fowl; pepper steaks; spicy foods; teriyaki; Thai food; Malaysian and Chinese food; biryjani.

Best served at about 13° C.

Labels: Samuel Smith's
Alcohollevel: 5.0 %
Bottlevolume: 12 fl. oz
Bottletypes: Glass bottle
Water, barley malt, hops, yeast, cane sugar, seawed finings, carbon dioxide, roasted barley

Samuel Smith Old Brewery
High Street
LS24 9SB Tadcaster
Great Britain

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