Strathaven Ales - Clydesdale IPA

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Description according to label:

The Clydesdale Horse was bred in the Avon valley area by the Hamilton family and is known as the Gentle Giant. A docile and exceptionally strong animal, it was the mainstay of farming activity from the early 17th century, and its bloodstock has been exported throughout the world.

Traditionally hand brewed uniquely using Clyde Valley hops along with Marris Otter melted barley, this session ale makes an easy quaffing favourite.

Labels: Strathaven Ales
Ale, Pale Ale
Alcohollevel: 3.8 %
Bottlevolume: 0.5 Liter
Bottletypes: Glass bottle
Water, barley malt, hops, yeast

Strathaven Ales / Craigmill Brewery

ML 10 6 PB Strathaven
Great Britain

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