Williams - Ginger

Ratings: 3.7 of 5. 3 vote(s).
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Description according to label:

Williams Ginger is a traditional alcoholic ginger beer with a distinctly adult taste. Brewed using malted barley and wheat, it has a recognisably 'beery' flavour although it contains no hops. We use loads of fresh root ginger, some lemons and a small amount of organic cane sugar along with the malts ... and that's it.

Labels: Williams
Ginger beer, Special beer
Alcohollevel: 3.8 %
Bottlevolume: 0.5 Liter
Bottletypes: Glass bottle
Water, barley malt, ginger, wheat malt, sugar, contains gluten, lemon juice

Williams Bros. Brewing Co.
New Alloa Brewery
FK10 INT Alloa
Great Britain

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